Last Poet In The Woods- Eco- Tapestry of Art and Poetry

By Quinta Mazatlan (other events)

Thursday, February 27 2025 6:00 PM 7:00 PM CDT

Join Artists Reeks Schneider and Poet, Steven Schneider for a presentation on their eco-tapestry of art and poetry, Last Poet in the Woods.

For this special presentation Professor Schneider will discuss the literary traditions of ekphrasis and eco-writing as well as the social, pedagogical and ecological goals of Last Poet in the Woods,inspired by the contemporary classic, Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.

About the Artists:

REEFKA SCHNEIDER, Artist, is the creator of the artwork in the highly acclaimed ekphrastic books and traveling exhibits Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives / Fronteras: dibujando las vidas fronterizas and The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi. Reefka’s art work has been published in Writing Towards Hope: Human Rights in Latin America (Yale University Press) and many prestigious journals. She has had exhibitions of her work throughout the Southwest, including “Dreamwalkers” at the Michael McCormick Gallery in Taos, New Mexico, “Ekphrasis: Sacred Stories of the Southwest” in the Obliq Gallery in Phoenix, Arizona; “Daughters of Juarez” in the Parks Gallery in Taos, New Mexico, and more.

STEVEN P. SCHNEIDER, Poet, is the founder of the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). Professor Schneider, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters, has pioneered the teaching of culturally relevant literature at UTRGV and through his NEA Big Read grants developed innovative community literacy programming. He is the co-creator with his artist wife Reefka of two bilingual, ecphrastic exhibits and books: Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives / Fronteras: dibujando las vidas fronterizas and The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi. .